Zahra memang sayang kucing. our cat Tompok dapat kitten baru, so lagi busy lah dia melayan. Terkejut i, siap selak baju nak breastfeed anak kucing. Good, good, at least she knows that babies should be breastfed right. That's the thinking we should instill in our children's mind. Breastfed babies will breastfeed their children, InsyaAllah.
Pernah tanya zahra this question: "So zahra, sampai bila nak nenen dengan ibu" she just looked at me. I asked her once again, and she replied "please ibu, rara nak nenen je, no cucu moo ok, cucu moo sikit je, nenen banyak boleh tak bu?" what can i say, peluk cium ajelah.
well dear mothers out there, my zahra is only 30 months old and she could make her own choice between her mother's milk or the moo's milk, why can't we?
suka zahra...
good good...
akif pun memang tak ada sebarang petanda akan stop nenen....
fid, memanglah bahagiakan. Tapi kekadang tu bila mood dia nak nenen je sepanjang hari, boleh gak hilang kesabaran ini.
bagus zahra..sama le ngan hassan ni...siap amik kanggaru mainan dia.."konon2 nak menyusukan.."heheh
akif pun dah mula 'menyusukan' segala soft toys...
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